Tag Archives: penguin colony

The last two weekends

Have had a couple of weekends away (not biking or running), thoroughly enjoying another side of South Africa.

Two weekends ago we headed off to Nambiti Hills Game Lodge, for a fantastic 3 day weekend of eating, drinking, sleeping and going on game drives with a fantastic ranger (Brett). Can’t speak highly enough of the lodge – it was a real pleasure spending time there, and testament to the quality of the place that despite some fairly torrential rain and moody clouds for much of Saturday, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We were celebrating Jess’s birthday with friends, and it was a fantastic weekend. Have popped a couple of shots below – the game viewing was excellent. The link to the full album from the weekend is here.

Then last weekend, taking advantage of yet more of South Africa’s embarrasment of riches in the wildlife department, we spent a fantastic weekend in Hermanus down in the Cape seeing some whales. If you haven’t seen a 15-18 metre whale seemingly splashing around for the fun of it, coming right up to the boat, bobbing up and down to get a good view of the people on the boat, and generally (to my untrained eye) larking about, you really should. It was a tremendous privilege to be able to see these amazing creatures doing their thing. As if that weren’t enough, we were treated to a bit of boat-chasing by a bunch of dolphins, popped down to the nearby penguin colony (very amusing), and saw a hilariously lazy seal. Will get a couple of these photos up as soon as possible too.

Without wanting to labour the point, it’s still amazing that we have such great opportunities to do these sorts of things in this country. Feel very lucky.