
Lots of pithy phrases and quotes available to sum up the fact that there’s rarely enough time to do everything, and it’s easy to get distracted. Take it as read that that’s what happened last year. Went from a very Merry Christmas, via a hugely enjoyable Cape Epic, a soul-enriching Two Oceans Marathon, to an equal-parts excellent and torrid Ironman South Africa. A fairly eventful June/July/August (to say the least..I’ll leave the details to Jessica), and before we knew it we were travelling to the UK for Christmas, and back to SA with a heap of extra luggage (including wedding presents and a second hand buggy).
So….2014? Well not one to shy away from a challenge, have we ever got one lined up for July.
Will put a more detailed description up in due course, but suffice to say it involves some of the most famous cols in the Alps, a 200km mountain bike race in Austria, and a return to one of the best endurance road races we’ve found – the Tour du Month Blanc (all 330 beautiful and hilly kilometres of it, non-stop).
Oh, and later in the year? SA mountain bike race Wine2Whales, and a build-up for the SA half-ironman and full Ironman again in 2015. And did someone say a return to the Cape Epic..? Possibly on the cards…
First thing’s first – the Alps are calling.

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